Glass Button (gLas) beta|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Glass Button (gLas) beta-APP點子

You can access your camera, music, messenger, sns application of your choice in a fancy style!

>>How to start using:

【免費工具App】Glass Button (gLas) beta-APP點子

1. On your first run, you will be sent to the setting screen where you choose specific application you would want in each shortcut.

2. When finished setting, exit setting by pressing the device "back" button. Now press glass button anytime to access your shortcuts.

【免費工具App】Glass Button (gLas) beta-APP點子

3. You can move the glass button around by drag & drop. It will automatically snap to side of the screen.

4. In case you want to turn off the glass button, go to setting by pressing the orange button at the bottom left, then press the red text button at the top of the setting screen.

【免費工具App】Glass Button (gLas) beta-APP點子

Tested Devices: Samsung GalaxyS2, Galaxy Note, Nexus S

ps. Feel free to comment or email me if there are any issues related to my application

【免費工具App】Glass Button (gLas) beta-APP點子

ps2. I'm really thankful for the opensource animation DaCapricorn made! :)

【免費工具App】Glass Button (gLas) beta-APP點子

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免費玩Glass Button (gLas) beta App

Glass Button (gLas) beta APP LOGO

Glass Button (gLas) beta LOGO-APP點子

Glass Button (gLas) beta APP QRCode

Glass Button (gLas) beta QRCode-APP點子
Google Play