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Note: We do secure authentication using Google. We do not have access to your password at anytime. Your identity remains hidden.

Note: The free version does not have all the features like customized diet plan, Ayurvedic supplements dosage and sex positions. For those features please upgrade to our premium version.

WishBaby is with you every single day. It gives you instructions on what to eat, what positions to have sex in, yoga positions and Ayurvedic supplements to have every single day. Based on the day of the month, it gives you how much and when to do specific things that will help you prepare your body for healthy pregnancy.

【免費健康App】Get pregnant fast (Free)-APP點子

【免費健康App】Get pregnant fast (Free)-APP點子

Using WishBaby track your most fertile days as well as prepare your body for conception. Wish Baby premium version can help you get pregnant fast. It has shown to work wonders with unexplained infertility patients.

WishBaby adjusts based on your periods. It will not ask you for your average cycle but adjust based on your history. As you use it it becomes more accurate. It will not fail you!

If you want to conceive read ahead - WishBaby works on your body and soul. To conceive a body its essential that you bring your mind and soul together.

【免費健康App】Get pregnant fast (Free)-APP點子

WishBaby can help guide you through this using the knowledge of Ayurveda, Astrology, Vaastu and modern medical research to create such changes in the body of both the partners that it becomes easy to get pregnant.

India is a country with rich inherited wealth of Ayurveda, the only alternative medical treatment with no side effects. The wisdom of our Sages and Ayurveda was used by the common man in the good old days to benefit in various health related problems. This knowledge has unfortunately been lost in the modern times. WishBaby has resurrected this knowledge and is bringing it to you to help you get the baby of your choice.

Ayurveda realizes how the type of food we eat daily changes the basic acidity and alkalinity of our body. These changes are so profound that they make it easy for your body to conceive. WishBaby recommends a daily meal plans as to change the pH of your body. It also recommends Ayurvedic supplements and prescribed dosage and usage.

Targeted exercise in the form of Yoga is needed to create positive changes in the body of both the male and female partner. WishBaby tells you how much to exercise and when.

As per Ayurveda, the day of your cycle on which the baby is conceived has a direct bearing on the health of the baby. Using our App, get to know on your calendar, which are your WishBaby fertile dates.

Vaastu says that the direction of the heads of both the partners should be pointing towards a particular direction to influence the whether you will conceive or not. WishBaby helps you create positive Vaastu signals during the time of conceiving the WishBaby.

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