Geography Natural Features|教育線上App不用買


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An introduction to natural geographical features, suitable for students studying Geography from grade 6 onwards. This educational game uses 50 photos to illustrate 50 different features, with interesting facts about each one.

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Students hear a feature spoken and choose the matching photo. After six right in a row, Race Mode starts automatically. It asks questions at speed to test the students' memory and comprehension of the features just covered, before continuing with new ones. At the end of the race, students can see how well they have done relative to their other races. The game gradually focuses on any features that the students have difficulty recognizing, and speeds up as competence is gained.

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By contrast to Race Mode, Story Mode slowly introduces new features by saying them as the photos are shown, allowing students to quietly look, listen and learn.

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The game is controlled by on-screen gestures which are simple to demonstrate and easy to use, and the game can be played without voice prompts.

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* 50 photos of 50 natural geographical features

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* Interesting facts about each feature

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* Race Mode tests memory and comprehension against the clock

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* Story Mode allows students to look, listen and learn

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* Slideshow Mode displays all the photos and facts in alphabetical order

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* Zoom and Pan Mode magnifies the images to see more detail

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* Easy on-screen gestures to control the game

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* Context-sensitive help

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The paid version of this app has much higher resolution photos than the free version. The free version has lower resolution photos and does contain advertising but no push advertising. No internet connection is required.

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【免費教育App】Geography Natural Features-APP點子

【免費教育App】Geography Natural Features-APP點子

【免費教育App】Geography Natural Features-APP點子

【免費教育App】Geography Natural Features-APP點子

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【免費教育App】Geography Natural Features-APP點子

【免費教育App】Geography Natural Features-APP點子

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【免費教育App】Geography Natural Features-APP點子

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