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The mantra from Vedas that connects terrestrial to celestial. The Vedas say that To chant the Gayatri Mantra purifies the chanter. To listen to the Gayatri Mantra purifies the listener.

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्यः धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॐ

This FREE Gayatri Mantra App Has the following features:

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★ Very easy Interface

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★ Loud and Clear audio track

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★ Option to select no.of repetitions (11,21,51,108 and Infinity)

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★ Counter to show no.of completed repetitions

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★ Absolutely Clean app

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★ App can be moved to SD Card

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★ Get Gayatri Mata photo & share it with your friends on WhatsApp !

What is Gayatri Mantra ?

The Gayatri Mantra was discovered by Sage Viswamitra. It was the same Sage Viswamitra who initiated Sri Rama into the mysteries of Sun worship, through the Mantra Aaditiya Hrdayam. The Gayatri Mantra enabled Sage Viswamitra to use rare weapons which bowed to his will when the Mantra was repeated with faith. Through the powers he attained in this way, Viswamitra was able to create a counterpart of this Cosmos. (Sathya Sai Vahini - 184)

★ Translation of Gayatri Mantra ★

OM - Para Brahman

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BHUR - Bhu loka (Physical plane). It also refers to the body made up of the 5 Pancha Bhutas (5 elements). These 5 elements constitute Prakriti (Nature).

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BHUVA - Bhuva loka - The middle world. Bhuva is also Prana Sakthi. However, it is the presence of Prajnana that enables the Prana Sakthi to animate the body. It is on this account that the Vedas have declared "Prajnanam Brahma" (Constant Integrated Awareness is Brahmam).

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SVAHA - Swarga loka (Heaven - the land of the Gods) (SS 9/95-234)

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TAT - Paramatma, God or Brahman

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SAVITUR - That from which all this is born

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VARENYAM - Fit to be worshipped

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BHARGO - The Radiance, the Spiritual Effulgence, the Light that bestows Wisdom

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DEVASYA - Divine Reality

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DHEEMAHI - We meditate

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DHIYO - Buddhi, Intellect

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YO - Which

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NAH - Our

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PRACHODAYAT - Enlighten.

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