


Lord Ganesha has an important place in India. Lord Ganesha is God of knowledge and the remover of obstacles and is therefore also know as Vighneshwer. Ganesha is Vighneshvara or Vighnaraja, the Lord of Obstacles, both of a material and spiritual order. He is popularly worshipped as a remover of obstacles, though traditionally he also places obstacles in the path of those who need to be checked. Lord Ganesha is older son of Lord Shiva. Lord Ganesha is also called Vinayak (knowledgeable). He is worshipped in the beginning of any auspicious performance for blessings and auspiciousness.

He has four hands, elephant's head and a big belly. His vehicle is a tiny mouse. In his hands he carries a rope for carrying devotees to the truth, an axe for cut devotees attachments, and a sweet dessert ball (laddoo) for rewarding devotees for spiritual activity. His fourth hand's palm is always extended to bless people.


A unique combination of his elephant-like head and a quick moving tiny mouse vehicle represents tremendous wisdom, intelligence and presence of mind.


This application is beautiful collection of following:

1.Very attractive Wallpapers of Lord Ganesha.

2.Ganesh Chalisa


3.Ganesh Aarti

Wallpapers can be saved to your device saved picture album which you can use as wallpaper.


Ganesh Chalisa: Chalisa is poem for praising lord ganesha.

Ganesh Aarti: It is devoction song where devotees clap, dance and sing and praise Lord Ganesh.


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台灣 TaiwanWindows
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