Game. Attention training|教育線上App不用買


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This simulator will help you to develop the ability to


Schulte table - perhaps the most effective

way to do this.

The program is free and contains no advertising.

About Schulte tables.

Psychologists like Schulte tables tests. These tests are simple, understandable, easy to measure the results and interpret. Tests show:

- attention sustention,

- the dynamics of efficiency,

- the ability to quickly start to work

- mental stability

Advantages tables Schulte:

+ Simple and clear

+ Quickly activates thought processes and memory

【免費教育App】Game. Attention training-APP點子

+ Training skills faster decision making

+ Does not require much effort

The benefits of mobile application "Immersion":

+ You can use small periods of time (one minute)

+ Spend with benefit and pleasure painful waiting period (in line, in traffic, public transportation, the bus stop

Schulte table for brain development and intelligence.

I suggest a little digest of the book by Anton Moguchy "book-training for your brain and the subconscious"

== the digest start ==

To succeed in any issue and use our brains to solve the problem completely, you must:

1. Strengthen blood flow in the frontal lobes of the brain.

2. Mobilize the memory so that all the necessary information we now shifted from long-term memory. Thus, we assemble accumulated associative links of our brains that are relevant to the topic. We will not waste precious seconds in recollection, all the necessary information will be "over the surface."

3. Focus on the task competently. In one case, you need to concentrate, so nothing distracts not see or hear. In another - quickly shift attention. In the third - keep the attention of all that surrounds us.

As a result an interesting series of experiments were done two things:

1. Each new task, to present the subject is causing a noticeable blood flow to the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex. With repeated presentation of the same task intensity of blood flow is significantly reduced.

2. The intensity of the flow depended not only on the novelty, but also on the nature of the tasks. The highest intensity was recorded when working with tables Schulte.

Why is that?

When working with tables Schulte, we do not recall, no add-subtract, multiply, not referring to the associations. In this way, the whole blood is sent to the frontal lobes, which opens our entire intellectual potential.

== the digest end ==


1. Schulte table sizes from 2x2 to 10x10.

2. Two modes of training: -

【免費教育App】Game. Attention training-APP點子

"Finger": each number is fixed by pressing a cell; -

"Eye": just look;

3. Statistics - The last time exercise;

-- The degree of uniformity of the last exercise - tactile mode only;

-- Timeline for the last table of training;

-- Graphs of the best and the average times for training for all time;

4. Ability to stop the exercise.

If something prevented complete the exercise, it does not get in the statistics.

5. 2 themes: -

Minimalism - calm black-white-gray

Caramel - for those who prefer brighter

6. Ability to prevent screen blanking

My plans for the development of the application:

【免費教育App】Game. Attention training-APP點子

-- A separate design for large screens (for tablets).

-- A mode of two colors (Table Gorbova-Schulte).

-- Maybe you can tell something.

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