Frome Greendoors|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Frome Greendoors-APP點子

Frome Open Homes is an eco-homes event in the city of Frome that showcases the work that householders have done to retrofit their homes, making them more energy efficient and fit for the future. This app provides an overview of the houses involved in this year’s event (15-16 March 2014) by showing their location and providing information about the retrofitting measures that have been installed. When registered, users are able to save houses to a shortlist, make notes, contact householders, and scan associated QR codes (available at the houses during the weekend of the event). The QR codes will then be used to provide users with a personalised report of detailed information about the measures they expressed an interest in.

【免費教育App】Frome Greendoors-APP點子

We would like to ask all users to respect the privacy of householders. Please be courteous in any emails to householders, and please do not try to contact the householder outside of the app. Also, please note that some houses are not open during the weekend, are only open on Saturday or Sunday, or have set tour times – please be respectful and mindful of this when visiting houses.

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免費玩Frome Greendoors App

Frome Greendoors APP LOGO

Frome Greendoors LOGO-APP點子

Frome Greendoors APP QRCode

Frome Greendoors QRCode-APP點子
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