Flashlight Led Timer|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Flashlight Led Timer-APP點子

Advanced Flashlight Led turns your mobile into real flashlight. This torch light app is most handy LED Flashlight. It allows you to turn on flashlight for a specific time. e.g. 5 minutes , 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour or just for the time until you turn off explicitly.

- Simple control, beautiful layout and FREE App

- Professional Dark layout color to save your battery

【免費工具App】Flashlight Led Timer-APP點子

- One-Click timer flashlight (turn on light for 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes - automatically turn off after this time)

- One-Click flashlight for unlimited time

- By minimizing Advanced Flashlight Led, you can use other apps while flashlight is turn ON

- Using the cam LED light

Keywords: flashlight app, flashlights, torch light, free apps flashlight, free apps flashlight, brightest flashlight,brightest flashlight in the universe

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Flashlight Led Timer APP LOGO

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Flashlight Led Timer APP QRCode

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