


Project Name :

Flash Cards – Idioms and Phrases – IP001

Description :

Importance of Idioms and Phrases :


To have better command English language , Idioms and Phrases play vital role apart from right vocabulary and grammar. Please try to learn as many as possible.

This is a flash card unit consist 50 Idioms and Phrases. Each flash card has Idiom and Phrase , Meaning , Usage. Each flash card also has hint.

How to use :

Hint : You can click on Hint button , you can get the hint.

Answer : You can click on Answer button and can see the answer.

Next Point : Move the finger from the right edge of the screen towards left direction.

Previous Point : Move your finger from the left edge of the screen toward right direction

Close : Click / tap on Close button.

Directions :


Please use the flash card programs and without seeing the answer and hint you should be in a position to recap the meaning and usage. Till such time you get for all , please keep revising.

If required make notes and try to remember whenever you are free.

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