He/She snores too loud? Very annoyed? If you want to revenge or train him to become silent, then Snore Killer is your friend. Snore Killer monitor you...
Sometime you just want to make a gravestone for someone (you know who they are). This gravestone maker helps you create a custom gravestone. Your cust...
Fancy yourself as a secret agent? Ever wanted to pull out a gadget, just like the guys on TV, hold it up to an electronically locked door and have it ...
You can create your own comic avatar characters with easy on your iPhone! Create images that resemble your friends and save them on iPhone contact lis...
There is no need for any setup and the below effects can be preformed over and over again revealing any card including the joker :) Effect One A spect...
Are you social? Shy? Do you trust others? What about your friends? How they see you and how are you similar to them? myPersonality is the best way to ...