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Great for Child's Brain Development and Preventing Arthritis & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Adults.

Especially Useful for Musicians.

Fingers, Hands, Forearms, Arms, Shoulder Therapy and Development Exercises Teaching Method.

I have been teaching piano for the past 10 years to all ages and all levels. The exercises for the fingers, hands, forearms, arms, shoulders were designed to help my students to succeed at the piano. They are the result of many years of observation of my students learning the instrument.

This ebook is a teaching method and a comprehensive guide to fingers, hands, forearms, arms, shoulders therapy and development for anyone interested in learning piano or any other musical instrument. You can use these exercises as warm ups before the actual piano lesson. These exercises are great for children and adults of all ages. There is no need to have an instrument in front of you to do them. This ebook offers illustrations of the exercises as well as links to tutorials which are designed to help you to do the exercises correctly. They are useful to any profession. Whether you are a secretary who does a lot of typing on a keyboard or you are a brain surgeon performing one of the most complex surgeries you will find these exercises helpful because they improve agility, coordination and responsiveness of your fingers. No matter what task lies ahead it’s always nice to have finely tuned instruments (in this case hands) to do it with. Refine your body and it’ll be easier to get the results you are looking for. These exercises are great for anyone taking musical instrument lessons, teaching any musical instrument lessons, and for those who already playing and just looking for ways to add agility to their fingers, and perhaps find more rewarding way to approach an instrument. They are very useful to children to help them develop their hands properly. These exercises are also very useful to anyone who misusing their hands in everyday activities. And here is the best part, in reality they are useful to everyone because they stimulate one of the largest portions of your brain which is devoted to operating your upper limbs. So, the end result by doing these exercises you not only going to have healthy and agile hands and fingers, but you are also going to be stimulating your brain activities and therefore getting more intelligent.

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The arrangement of bones and muscles in the body is a marvel of engineering. Your hand alone has 27 bones.

Under my instruction, you will learn how to use your hands, fingers, elbows, forearms, arms, shoulders and body weight correctly that will give your music a fluid and pleasing sound - and you’ll do it effortlessly regardless of how simple or complex the piano piece may be. For private piano instruction please visit

Grigory Gourylev


-My student is a Prize Winner of American Protege 2010 International

Piano and Strings Competition.

-He is a Winner of American Fine Arts Festival 2010.

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-Also He has been Awarded Gold Medal in the AADGT The American Association for Development of the Gifted and Talented “Passion of Music 2010” Festival.

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