File Manager|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】File Manager-APP點子

File manager works for android same like Computer laptops and handbooks to explore your system files. File manager works sharply on enhancement of accessibility towards exploring of files.

【免費工具App】File Manager-APP點子

File manager provides the facilities of search,copy,delete,move,rename, same like windows explorers.

【免費工具App】File Manager-APP點子

File manager is a standard version for every android mobile support with providing awesome and excellent look and feel.

【免費工具App】File Manager-APP點子

File manager easily manage your files in different parts. Where you can see every section of saved of file in your memory and Micro Sd card.

【免費工具App】File Manager-APP點子

Every file is managed in different section like audio files are separate, Video,Compressed,Exe, and documents search in easy way access in different sections.

【免費工具App】File Manager-APP點子

File manager provides handy tools a user actually demand like Apk Search access and installation.

Pro version will be updated soon. With many extra functionalists of file lock and file hiding.with encryption functions.

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免費玩File Manager App

File Manager APP LOGO

File Manager LOGO-APP點子

File Manager APP QRCode

File Manager QRCode-APP點子
Google Play