


Farmboss will give you a massive boost to improve your farming results. Do you want to increase productivity and profits? You know that you can’t manage what you don’t measure, so let Farmboss help with your budgeting, your reporting, your calculations, your breeding, your feeding, your stock and a heap of handy stuff, all in the one app.

Farmboss is your pocket employee that gives you calculated decision making. It will save you time, money and bring you superior farming results.

To operate the Farmboss calculators and forms it needs no signal or Wi-Fi once downloaded and you choose whether you want metric or US measurements.

The packs: Feed pack, Stock pack, Track it and Handy Stuff (it’s more than handy – it’s remarkable). The calculators are customizable for your own farming operation.

If you want instant answers, help with complex decision-making, better communication with your staff, (you can email 8 of the 22 calculators) giving you more time to relax, then you need to have Farmboss on your phone.

Pack descriptions:

Feed - From simple feed budgeting to more complex nutrient calculations, Farmboss will take the hard work and stress out of managing feed sums. This Feed pack will:

• Quickly work out grass cover

• Provides you with kg DM/ha or lb. DM/ac to optimize feeding

• Gives you grass to supplementary feed ratios


• Shows you where to erect fence and break feed

• Does all the hard work in calculating applied effluent nutrient values

Stock - If you want better information and more control of your stock, you’ll love the Stock pack and will love the results even more. The Stock pack gives you:

• Dates for mating and calving

• Replacement target weight calculations


• Calculates daily weight gain to increase Body Condition Scores

• Livestock unit calculations

• Stock transport costs

Track it - If you want to turn scary calculations into easy and efficient ones, Farmboss’ charts does all the hard work for you:

• Report outputs against budgets


• Measure key performance areas

• Possibilities are endless here – you can customize criteria to your needs

Handy stuff - We’ve been told it’s invaluable…

• Quickly calculate length, flow, pressure, area, power, speed, volume and height

• Easily get the correct amount of fencing materials


• Calibrate Dry Fertilizer Spreader

• Calibrate boom sprayer

• Calculate farm daily water requirements

• Calculate milk plant wash procedures


• Change dairy milk liners at the correct time


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