Family Feud™ Decades|遊戲線上App不用買


【免費遊戲App】Family Feud™ Decades-APP點子

***SALE: 67% OFF, Limited Time***

Survey Says, play The Feud You Remember! The New Family Feud Decades challenges players with thousands of authentic survey questions from FOUR different eras (70s, 80s, 90’s and 00’s) to fuel the competitive family fun.

Based on one of the most successful family game shows of all time , iPhone and iPod Touch owners can now play anywhere, anytime as the leader of a ‘family’ in a contest to name the most popular answers to survey questions from the decade of your choice posed to 100 people. The game features all of the favorite elements of the show as played on television, including the scoreboard, face offs, strikes, stealing and ‘fast money’ rounds. Players also can enjoy Family Feud Decades in multiplayer mode as they challenge family and friends head-to-head, or compete solo against the computer.

【免費遊戲App】Family Feud™ Decades-APP點子

Family Feud Decades for iPhone and iPod touch features:

• Authentic sets and stages modeled on all four decades of the TV show, with wardrobe items to match, including hippie, disco, grunge and other retro outfits.

•Single and multiplayer game modes, plus three different levels of difficulty.

【免費遊戲App】Family Feud™ Decades-APP點子

• Fully customizable player avatars - choose hairstyles, clothing, accessories and more.

• Predictive text input and auto spell checker make typing answers lightning fast.

• Unlock bonus items as a reward for progress in the game.

【免費遊戲App】Family Feud™ Decades-APP點子

Get it now at this amazing low price!

【免費遊戲App】Family Feud™ Decades-APP點子

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美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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