Tired of their luxurious, but boring lives, four Pixel Manga Hero decided to explore the unknown at their own risk and have some fun doing it. These a...
One Bird - Five GamesExperience the adventure of one bird as it goes through the flappy world. Compete with your friends and rank high on the Leaderbo...
Guide Max the Manx Cat through giant red pipes as he makes a whistle stop tour around the Isle of ManFeatures - Retina display optimised. - Game Cente...
Bring the fish home.The fish can swim horizontally and vertically. You've solved the puzzle when all of the colored squares are covered by a fish of t...
This is a free, Ad supported, version of 'Flappy Manx Cat'Guide Max the Manx Cat through giant red pipes as he makes a whistle stop tour around the Is...
Now there is a 4 color version of Fishy.The fish can swim horizontally and vertically. You've solved the puzzle when all of the colored squares are co...