English<->Albanian Phrasebook|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】English<->Albanian Phrasebook-APP點子

An intelligent talking solution for portable communication that features more than 14,000 phrases for all common situations.

ECTACO Talking Phrasebook English–Albanian and Albanian–English for Android provides instant bidirectional translation of thousands of practical and useful phrases. It replaces bulky and inconvenient books and speaks all of its phrases aloud using clear, understandable native speaker voice narration for both languages. With it you will always be understood – even if you can't speak a word of another language.

Key features include the following:

• Authentic native-speaker human voice narration of all 14,000 phrases

【免費教育App】English<->Albanian Phrasebook-APP點子

• 15 easily navigated topic areas: Basics, Traveling, Hotel, Local transport, Sightseeing, Bank, Communication means, In the restaurant, Food/Drinks, Shopping, Repairs/Laundry, Sport/Leisure, Health/Drugstore, Beauty care, Calling for police

• Advanced speech recognition for hands-free navigation

【免費教育App】English<->Albanian Phrasebook-APP點子

• Changeable parts in phrases for more accurate translations

• Gender options for greater translation flexibility and accuracy

【免費教育App】English<->Albanian Phrasebook-APP點子

• User topic with the ability to add and edit phrases and translations

• Learning game

【免費教育App】English<->Albanian Phrasebook-APP點子

• Text search

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免費玩English<->Albanian Phrasebook App

English<->Albanian Phrasebook APP LOGO

English<->Albanian Phrasebook LOGO-APP點子

English<->Albanian Phrasebook APP QRCode

English<->Albanian Phrasebook QRCode-APP點子
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