English to German Dictionary|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】English to German Dictionary-APP點子


【免費教育App】English to German Dictionary-APP點子

GERMAN Dictionary is offline dictionary that translates words and phrases from English to GERMAN.

【免費教育App】English to German Dictionary-APP點子

We have a collection of more than 10,000 English words in an offline dictionary, with offline meaning of English words in GERMAN language and vice-versa.

【免費教育App】English to German Dictionary-APP點子

You also have the option to Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference. Or you can keep track of all your previous entries from the ‘History’ tab.

【免費教育App】English to German Dictionary-APP點子

The best thing about GERMAN Dictionary is that it works offline! You don’t need any Internet connection to run this. Hence it is perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.

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And forward us all your complaints and report your bugs to us by email.

Thank you all for the love and admiration.

Keywords : GERMAN, English, dictionary, translation, words, offline dictioanary, bookmark, history

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