Emergency Salvation|生活線上App不用買


【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

Want the free gift of eternal life, or 'Salvation' but haven't got a clue how? Are you experiencing an impending disaster, but no idea how to turn to God? Ever wondered how you are supposed to get to heaven? Maybe you think you've left it too late? Or perhaps people have told you that you can't get to heaven because you're not good enough!

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

Emergency Salvation can help - with simple step by step instructions, you can get God's free gift of eternal life - available now and to anyone at all - and get it fast just in case you find yourself in an emergency and decide right now is the time to ask God to grant you a place in His kingdom.

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

The idea for this app came to me as I was sitting with a lot of people and wondering how I could bring them to God in sixty seconds - for instance if an asteroid was about to hit the Earth, or Yellowstone had just blown up, or we'd just been invaded by aliens. What would I say? I realized that even as a Christian, I actually had no idea how to save people in an instant. Sure, I could try to talk to them all day; but quick? Sixty second Salvation? No idea.

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

A quick search of the internet gave me some prayers to say, but do these prayers mean anything to those that aren’t already God’s people? What is sin anyway? Do some people have it and others don’t, like the Pope? And why Jesus? And don't you have to go to Church to be saved, by a reverend? Or baptised? Or aren't I so awfully bad that there is no way God would take me anyway?

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

So I studied the Bible, checked and cross referenced and found what God and His helpers have shown us to do, to receive that free, unearned gift of eternal life and renewing of spirit and soul. It is actually very simple, and my app shows you the three steps to God's gift to humanity that you can do quietly, in a room, by yourself. Just you, as the person you are, and God. Isn't that delightful?

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

I also have provided side-explanations for each step, and links to Bible passages so you can read and understand for yourself, should you have more than sixty seconds left of course!

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

Emergency Salvation – don’t leave it too late!

Legal Stuff:

The End User License Agreement can be found on the start screen, in the menu options. Please read it at your earliest convenience! Thanks

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

【免費生活App】Emergency Salvation-APP點子

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