


this application for an midwife, SImple application to calculate woman period cycle, Baby Gender Predictor and Coitus Schedule. also we add Midwife dictionary for educational purpose. it's free for all.

this is first release, Featured :

-- Menstrual calculator

-- Dictionary

-- Feedback (please help us to improve this apps)

-- Insect Repellent


-- Online COntent

-- More Than 5.000 Drugs Mean from http://www.rxlist.com

- Ui Improvement

- Rate Shorcut

- Body mass Index Calculator

- Compass


- ICD9 of Disease

- ICD9 of Medical Treatment

- ICD10

- Lactation and Pregnancy Exercise

- Remote Control

-- Lab Referrence


-- Periodic Table

-- Baby Music

tag : midwiery, pregnancy, coitus schedule, menstrual calculator, healthy, baby, baby gender predictor, baby gender calculator, dictionary, midwiery dictionary, midwife dictionary, body mass index, body mass index calculator, Compass, simple compass, mini compass. drugs index, drugs mean, drugs description, drugs data, drugs list, ICD9, MEdical record, medical treatement, list of disease, list of medical treatment, lactation methode, pregancy exercise, remote control, remote computer, control computer. baby music, baby lullaby, baby mozart, baby music, mozart, lullaby, periodic table, normal value of labs


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