Easy Widget|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

In some devices and android versions, you need to reboot to see the widget in widgets list, this is an android open issue, it is out of developper hands

it's a widget and not an application, you find it in the widgets list and not applications list.

【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

« Easy Widget » : brings elegance, effectiveness and simplicity. It is composed of three widgets : Contact, Launcher and Settings. Discreet and practical, it has only a screen icon size but you can all done through a dynamic and stylish circular menu.

- Contact Widget : make access to your favorite (or all) contacts easy and quickly. From the home screen you can directly make call, send sms or email.

- Launcher Widget : makes access to your favorite applications easier and quicker. From the home screen you can directly choose and open your favorite applications.

- Settings Widget : makes a quick access to all your device settings and more :

- 16 toggles (switch) : Wifi, Gps, Bluetooth, Airplane, Autorotate,...

- 3 controls : Brightness, volumes and screen timeout. Each one is a control dialog.

- 40 shortcuts : Accessibility, DateAndTime, Display, Daydream, Nfc, Location, Wifi, Gps… each shortcut directly leads to parameter settings.

- 1 indicator : A stylish battery indicator to discover,..

- 3 tools :

- A full Equalizer. It can also be used with each player that support sound effects like google media player.

【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

- A Screen Flashlight

- A Led Flashlight

【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

In addition, there is two other widgets size :

- 4x1 for settings : a stylish customizable widget in the same style as power control widget.

- 4x2 for contacts : the menu is merged with widget layout, so all actions (call, sms, email,...) are directly available.

【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

If you have a suggestion or do you like to have a new feature in the future release, please send an e-mail: dreamappstudio@gmail.com


- Some settings shortcuts does not exist in some devices due to manufacturer choice or android version.

- We have chosen to provide applications without advertising, if you like our choice and engagement, support us by buying Pro version. Thanks !

Sale : now get pro version for the price of one widget.

【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

【免費工具App】Easy Widget-APP點子

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