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【免費健康App】Easy Eating Habits-APP點子

Effective dieting! Sticking to your meal plan, or just plain eating healthier food, requires accountability and understanding. Use this app to quickly and easily record the food you eat and basic data required to make a lasting change.Hab-it (noun) “A settled or regular tendency or practice, esp. one that is hard to give up.”How does this app work?Step 1 – The app opens to the camera screen, take a photo of your meal or snack.Step 2 – With three taps you can record how you feel about the meal, whether it is healthy or not, and the primary food type.Step 3 – Press save to store all this information with the date and time.Done! Fast and simple.At any time you can open the app, but press “Cancel” on the camera screen, then press “Menu”. You can then input your name, and a date range, press “Generate” to create a PDF compilation of all the date, time, photo and stored data.Once you know what you are eating, and understand how you feel about it. You can make a lasting change for a healthier you.

【免費健康App】Easy Eating Habits-APP點子

【免費健康App】Easy Eating Habits-APP點子

【免費健康App】Easy Eating Habits-APP點子

【免費健康App】Easy Eating Habits-APP點子

【免費健康App】Easy Eating Habits-APP點子

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