Prime Yield is a company with a comprehensive expertise in feasibility studies, consultancy and asset valuations, creating value in supporting their c...
De Stedenconferentie focust op het thema ‘smart citizens’. Meer dan ooit zijn steden een kweekvijver voor sociaal-innovatieve initiatieven van inwoner...
A POS system design for iPad, especially for café and restaurant.Main Features:1. Customize the amount and position of tables.2. Add/Edit product and ...
Dashboard PIEEsta aplicação permite a consulta online de vendas efectuadas nas aplicações da linha Primum Based do GrupoPIE. Para poder usufruir desta...
Princeton Financial Systems Client Conference will be held September -10, 2014 at the Marriott Waterfront in Baltimore, Maryland. This Conference offe...
SBN is an International Business Network connecting people from all industries and professions with the sole aim of generating more business. The SBN ...