Driving Theory Test|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ ★ ★ 2015 OFFICIAL UK DRIVING THEORY TEST preparation materials ★ ★ ★

FREE VERSION of Driving Theory Test (UK) uses the Latest (2015) Official theory test revision question data bank in an intuitive, powerful way and is one of the most flexible applications on the market. REVISE MULTIPLE TOPICS at the same time! CHOOSE how many times you want to see the questions already answered in previous sessions! In this free version 7 full topics are included.

【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

The main features are:


【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ Regularly updated. 2015 ready!



【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ Works offline. Get as much training as you need when you need it.



【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ Realistic. Try your skills in the Mock Test as many times as you wish!



【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ Advertisement free!



【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ Flexible


【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

- Theory Test intelligently takes into account which questions have been previously answered incorrectly!

- Allows revision of multiple topics at the same time

【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

- NO ANNOYING REPETITION: choose how many times you want to see the questions already answered in previous sessions

- Choose the number of questions you want to answer during a practice test

【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

- Full statistics with the number of questions still to be answered on the front screen


【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ The Official UK Driving Theory Test revision question database


【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

In this free version 7 full topics are included.


【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

★ Easy to use


【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

- Intuitive standardised interface allows you to focus on your test

- Revise each question after test completion

【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

- Useful hints to make your learning more efficient

【免費教育App】Driving Theory Test-APP點子

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Driving Theory Test APP LOGO

Driving Theory Test LOGO-APP點子

Driving Theory Test APP QRCode

Driving Theory Test QRCode-APP點子
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