Dog Finder - Find A Puppy|購物線上App不用買


【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

Looking for a puppy? Dog Finder has got you covered! Instant access to FREE PUPPIES and FOR SALE puppies available in your city.

"We built a product that delivers instant notification of puppies that become available in your city." - Developer

"Whether you're looking for a specific breed, rescue or shelter dog... this app seems to sniff them out. Occasionally a cat slips in... but I can't hardly blame them" - Jesus Morales

"With Dog Finder daily alerts... I was able to seek out and take home my sweet pappillion in matter of 2 weeks. And I got to see lots of cute puppy pictures every day! :)" - Margaret T.

Specify a breed, maximum price, search radius, notification frequency and more. Contact owners/breeders from within the app.

NOTICE: As a general warning watch out for scammers on the internet. Never send electronic payment to someone you have not met or arranged a deal with in person. Escalate the conversation to phone and then in person. Never give money to anyone with out meeting them in person and arranging a contract deal. Dog Finder is not responsible for anything that the customer does with this service. Dog Finder is simply a tool to help people find dogs posted in their city.

Dog Finder is HUGE on promoting a safe culture of love and nurturing of animals. Users should be prepared to submit to an interview process and possible background check at the owner/seller's discretion when acquiring a pet.

If you see any illegal or suspicious activity please report it to us so we may report the behavior to the local animal control or law enforcement.

App finds puppies in: United States, Canada, Mexico

More results than petfinder, dogfinder. Most common breeds include Black and Yellow Lab, Golden Retriever, Yorkshire Terrier, Bulldog, Beagle, Pitbull, German Shepherd, Pug, Mastiff, Corso, Bull Terrier, Corso, Spaniel, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Shelty, Havanese, Shih Tzu, Siberian Husky, Doberman Pinscher, Shetland, Sheepdog, Corgi, Brittany, Bernese Mountain Dog, Collie, Newfoundlands, akita, Border Collie, English Foxhound, American Foxhound, Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler), Poodle Dachshund (weener dogs, doxins), and Rottweiler. Dogs mainly come from breeders, animal shelters, farms and households, and overcrowded pounds...

【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

【免費購物App】Dog Finder - Find A Puppy-APP點子

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Dog Finder - Find A Puppy APP LOGO

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Dog Finder - Find A Puppy APP QRCode

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