Disaster Info|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Disaster Info-APP點子

Get updated news on weather condition of a particular area in Bangladesh. This app will also provide past and probable disaster information in the near future of that selected area. Besides, you could also know water level and current or flow of water of river, climate change or its relevant information.

Every year a numbers of natural disasters such as flood, tornado, cyclone, tsunami etc attacks to different areas (particularly coastal area) in Bangladesh. A lot of people die due to this natural disaster because they did not know about future possible natural disaster before a hand. Therefore people did not get enough time to be prepared. As this application will provide future weather condition and probable natural disasters of particular area in Bangladesh so they will get sufficient time to be ready. Likewise, information about past unpredicted natural disaster of a particular area will be available.

【免費教育App】Disaster Info-APP點子

【免費教育App】Disaster Info-APP點子

【免費教育App】Disaster Info-APP點子

【免費教育App】Disaster Info-APP點子

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Disaster Info APP LOGO

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Disaster Info APP QRCode

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