Differentiation Practice|教育線上App不用買


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Hi Guys, Ever wanted to have your teacher sit down with you by his shoulder and help you through your work on differentiation in a simple step by step way. This Smart Worksheet does just that!

There are four sections. First, powers of x, and linear combinations. Second, we look at evaluation of the derivatives at particular values. In the third section we go on to look at sines and cosines and finally in section four we deal with exponentials and logs.

It contains well over 100 questions and on-line worked video solutions for each one.

The idea, is that you try a question on the worksheet first and then just click on it and a video of the solution plays to show you how its done step by step.

The worksheet is ideal to get into the subject, feeling comfortable and then its just about practice really. There are some fairly tricky problems along the way especially with the log questions, as well as many fairly straightforward ones too.

Every question that I write I will generally put down everything that we need beforehand. So everything we need will be on the page. We'll often use rules for indices and logs so any time we need them I will always write them down.

Along the bottom you see a selection of options. You'll see a mathtip. I can recommend that - its a cartoon for you.

You can reset the page or section thereof so when you have a look at the question video, the question will be ticked, so that you can keep a track of your progress.

Another useful tool is an embedded differentiator which is handy to work out any derivative problem you might be working on.

So I hope you enjoy it and I'm looking forward to making lot's of these. So look out for the next one. This one is on Simple Differentiation and the next one will take things a step further and look at quotients and products and functions of a function and I'll just carry on like that.

So I Hope you enjoy it and any problems just give me a buzz, send me an e-mail and all the best I hope you get on well with it. Cheers, Mark

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