Diet Calculate|健康線上App不用買


【免費健康App】Diet Calculate-APP點子

DietCalculator makes balancing your daily food intake a breeze. You simply enter the nutrient values, even fractional ones, of any food that has a nutrition label, and DietCalculator will give you the balanced value in a small number. Such calculations can help, too, with weight loss by simplifying the work of balancing nutrient intake in your diet. With DietCalculator, you can choose between two ways of making such calculations. You can calculate the balance of calories, fat and fiber or of protein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber. Both ways are now available in this single easy-to-use app!!

Where can DietCalculator help you?

【免費健康App】Diet Calculate-APP點子

In the grocery store

In restaurants that list nutrition values

【免費健康App】Diet Calculate-APP點子

At home

【免費健康App】Diet Calculate-APP點子

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Diet Calculate APP LOGO

Diet Calculate LOGO-APP點子

Diet Calculate APP QRCode

Diet Calculate QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store