Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS|書籍線上App不用買


【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

The most comprehensive French - German reference work from PONS, with 750,000 keywords, phrases and translations!

Do you read and write French or German texts, newspapers and magazines? Or do you frequently check on a word whilst reading or writing e-mails, letters, presentations, trade articles in French or German…focusing on the widest range of topics?

The PONS Dictionary French - German PREMIUM has been designed for professionals and offers quick and reliable help!

You can test this and all other PONS dictionary apps before you buy them. Simply download the free PONS Dictionary Library app.

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

Who can really benefit from this app?

Professional users, such as teachers, students, translators, engineers, lawyers, etc. (the most comprehensive vocabulary collection that PONS has to offer)

About the contents:

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

• Current and comprehensive vocabulary containing more than 300,000 keywords and phrases and more than 450,000 translations

• With professional terminology from the worlds of business, computer science, law and natural sciences

• Detailed examples of context and information about language usage

• Inclusion of all styles: from colloquial to literary

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

• Includes Belgian and Canadian French, together with regional differences in the language as spoken in Austria and Switzerland

• Particularly well-structured layout with comprehensive entries

• Bi-directional (German - French and French – German)

• With IPA phonetics

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

What can the app do?

• This application provides 100% offline functionality. You do not incur any roaming charges.

• Look-up without typing: You don’t even have to type it, but you can simply enter the search word in your own handwriting. Your search word will appear in the search box as a suggestion.

• Any words you copy from a different application (e.g. on the Internet) are imported directly into the app’s search box and the relevant dictionary entry is displayed.

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

• Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to spell a word – the similar words or wild card search function will find what you are looking for. The anagram search is an additional function that enables you to search for words with the same letters but in a different order.

• Vocabulary lists: Add words that you want to learn to your ‘Vocabulary lists’. Use the vocabulary list quiz as a quick and effective way to learn the words!

• Use the full-text search to find examples.

• Pronunciation: Listen to numerous headwords spoken by native speakers.

• Search for French headwords in any form you like (declined or conjugated).

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

• Jump from one language direction to the other with just one click: from ‘French => German’ to ‘German => French’ and vice versa. Access linked entries, equally with just one click.

• Individual settings. Use the range of options like defining the text size.

• Use the history function to call up your last 100 word searches again – at a click.

About PONS:

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

PONS has been developing green materials for learning languages for life for over 30 years: from classic dictionaries and grammar aids to audio and software language courses right up to free online services such as the www.pons.eu language portal.

More PONS products are available on: www.pons.de

Also on www.twitter.com/pons_eu and www.facebook.com/PONSverlag

【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

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【免費書籍App】Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS-APP點子

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Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS APP LOGO

Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS LOGO-APP點子

Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS APP QRCode

Dictionary French <-> German PREMIUM by PONS QRCode-APP點子
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