Design Smart Bird Game|遊戲線上App不用買


【免費遊戲App】Design Smart Bird Game-APP點子

In this game the user can design user friendly bird jump game. When playing the game, the user tap the screen to let the bird jump cross the space between columns.This game have 3 pages.1.Main page. Has 3 buttons:"Start","Options","Share". When the Start button was clicked the Game page show. When the Options button was clicked the Options page show. When Share button clicked user can share with others.2.Options page. In this page the user can choose the bird feature from 8 features. The time gap slider changes the time one jump cost. The smart switcher determines whether the indicator of bird will display. The indicator has two parts, upper one and lower one. The upper one indicates when user tap the screen, the future location of the bird. The lower one indicates when user do nothing the future location of the bird. And the space slider determines the space between the columns.3.Game page. In this page, user can play the game he designs. Tap the screen to let the bird jump and cross the space between columns. When the bird hit the boundary or the columns, the game ends and the alert comes out. The alert has 2 buttons:"Menu","Yes". Menu means back to main screen. Yes means play again.

【免費遊戲App】Design Smart Bird Game-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Design Smart Bird Game-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Design Smart Bird Game-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Design Smart Bird Game-APP點子

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免費玩Design Smart Bird Game App

Design Smart Bird Game APP LOGO

Design Smart Bird Game LOGO-APP點子

Design Smart Bird Game APP QRCode

Design Smart Bird Game QRCode-APP點子
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