Delay No More! (Free)|生產應用線上App不用買


【免費生產應用App】Delay No More! (Free)-APP點子

APP which can help you with your urgent task!Have you ever procrastinated doing something? I think many people do have this problem. Procrastination is a usual phenomenon in our lives. It always make us carry out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones.Diet? no, I like cookies, Sarah said. But just two days ago, she decided to start diet. Now her strong mind had gone with the cookies.Tomorrow essay is due? My god, David said. He had to work on the essay all night and felt so tired. He said he won't let this happened again. But he knew that was not true. This was not his first time to say that and won't be his last one.Why should you procrastinate? Why should you delay? Maybe you are too lonely on the way to your destination. Let this program be together with you. Let's defeat the procrastination! Delay no more!

【免費生產應用App】Delay No More! (Free)-APP點子

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