Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress|健康線上App不用買


【免費健康App】Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress-APP點子

Whether you work as a doctor, teacher, lawyer, student or as any other profession, your work lifestyle can be stressful. The way you deal with it is essential to maintaining a healthy and balanced life. The idea for Deep Relax came from the question - "Which is the best way to actually deal with stress?" By combining the age old practices of yoga and scientific research findings Deep Relax provides you with the best relaxation experience possible. That too in a beautifully designed app.

This personal relaxation app harnesses the power of Yoga Nidra, meaning yogic sleep, to help you relax within a matter of just fifteen minutes.

Every time you use the app, a human voice will personally guide you through to relaxation while you shut your eyes for fifteen whole minutes. Deep Relax uses the therapeutic power of

Vocally guided visualization + Controlled breathing + Progressive muscle relaxation.

This means that when you come home from that stressful and tiring day of work, all you have to do is put on your headphones or plug in your ear pods and open the Deep Relax app to unwind and feel a sense of calm immediately.

【免費健康App】Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress-APP點子

As an additional benefit Deep Relax also gives you custom feedback to deal with your type of stress along with some ways to help sleep and relax more efficiently.

Advancements in future versions:

【免費健康App】Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress-APP點子

Enhanced Trance Vocals

【免費健康App】Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress-APP點子

Translation of Trance Vocals into 5+ major languages

The Science behind it all:

Deep Relax utilizes a special type of audio called Binaural Beats. It works behind the scenes to help you achieve a state of calm and relaxation. When you use Deep Relax with headphones or ear pods, the soothing music played in the background as the app guides you through relaxation is Binaural Music differing by 7.8Hz. The beauty of this specific frequency is that it prompts your body and mind to fall into a state of complete relaxation.

Learn more about Binaural Music here -

【免費健康App】Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress-APP點子

【免費健康App】Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress-APP點子

【免費健康App】Deep Relax. Yogic De-Stress-APP點子

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