Death by Corbett|遊戲線上App不用買


【免費遊戲App】Death by Corbett-APP點子

"If you were stuck on a field with Coach, and he was trying to kill you, how long do you think you could survive?"

Death by Corbett is a game where you must avoid Coach Corbett in his BMW for as long as possible. You will die....But the question is, how long can you last?

In Death by Corbett you have to control the soccer ball and avoid the BMW for as long as possible. The goal is to last as long as humanly possible before you are outrun by the BMW and killed.

I hope everyone enjoys this game as much as I enjoyed making it.

【免費遊戲App】Death by Corbett-APP點子

Please feel free to email me with feedback, including bug reports, features, comments, or suggestions.

*Enable sound and game center support for the best quality!!!

Many Thanks go to the USAFA Huskies 2011 Men's Soccer Team! Without them, this game wouldn't have been possible. Thank you all for a great season, I hope you enjoy the game!!! A special thanks goes out to those who directly and indirectly contributed to the making of this game: Acosta for the sound effects, Phernetton for the team roster and support, Jake for the "idea", Coach Corbett for a great season, and lastly, O'Hanlon for the concept of the game: "Yo, if you were stuck on a field with Coach, and he was trying to kill you, how long do you think you could survive? Hahaha you wouldn't survive thirty seconds! Me, I'd last probly a minute, two tops."

【免費遊戲App】Death by Corbett-APP點子

Once again, thank you everyone for all your tremendous support and for such a great season!

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Death by Corbett APP LOGO

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Death by Corbett APP QRCode

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