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【免費教育App】Data & Graphs for 2nd Grade-APP點子

Data and Graphs is one topic covered in Math Subject for 2nd Grade students. In which, students learn how to coordinate graphs, interpret charts, bars, tables, line plots, pictographs, and Venn diagram.With Data & Graphs application, parents can trust this tool can be a great support for their kids on learning Data & Graphs with 3 sections: Study, Practice and Quiz which provide not only knowledge but also exercises and tests to help students reinforce what they have learned.==================Data and Graphs for 2nd Grade includes ● Coordinate graphs● Interpret bar graphs● Interpret line plots● Create line plots● Interpret pictographs● Create pictographs● Interpret line graphs● Interpret venn diagrams ==================SPECIAL FEATURES● Exciting graphics and interesting sounds ● Main parts: Study, Practice, and Quiz● Optional choices within exercise topics and scales● Quiz is unlocked by simply sharing the app via FacebookData and Graphs for 2nd grade app is a great tool to help parents on tutoring their kids on Grade 2. Don’t forget to rate and review to help us make further improvements of this app.Thank you for using our education app

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