برنامج مفكرة لحفظ الملاحظات والمذكرات والتنبيهات وكل ما يخطر على بالك من اشياء تود الاحتفاظ بها وتعود اليها لاحقا في اي وقت.البرنامج سهل الاستخدام وبه...
Sacred City Church is a gospel-centered missional church in the Quad Cities, USA, committed to making disciples, planting churches, and renewing our c...
Goddess Pratyangira has the special powers to remove negative energy. Offering prayers to Her through this application will help you unchain from heal...
Assalem alaykom wa rahmatulLah wa barakatuh, Et Rappelle ! (Fa-Dhakker) est votre nouvelle application islamique qui vous permettra d’accéder à différ...
During moments of awakened consciousness, use this software to invest into the Karmic universe by taking a brief moment to reflect on these realizatio...