Jennifer Lawrence may have survived the Hunger Games as Katniss, but she is having a major issue with her closet since Cinna isn't around to help. The...
Katy Perry is running late for her Summer Dance Tour off the California coast. Her girls are pumped, the backup singers are present and the stage is s...
Bubbly blonde bombshell SYTYCD contestant Lauren Froderman needs an all-star fashion ensemble that is perfect for twirling and flirting! She has to fi...
Lea Michele has been singing and dancing non-stop for the past two weeks. She is exhausted! This is truly unfortunate, because she is performing at an...
Aria - I mean, Lucy Hale - has a ‘Pretty Little Fashion Disaster’ on set. She was going through her closet to get ready for her next scene when she re...
Sweet Niblets! Miley Cyrus has a concert tomorrow night and her stylist is missing. The show sold out in under 6 minutes. Advertisements have been run...