Le Conseil général du Val d'Oise met à votre dispositionune présentation simple, ludique et pratique du territoire valdoisien et deson institution. Un...
Myvote2014.eu is a project developed by VoteWatch Europe with the aim of raising awareness among the youth about the importance of the decisions made ...
MyWatchWhere people who love wristwatches and clockmaking fanatics meet. Latest news from the world of watches: Every day, Frank Declerck, a jourmalis...
Fit Note - Clothing Size Tracker is an awesome app to keep track of the clothing sizes of your family and friends.Key Features: - Create clothing size...
Note: The content of MyWay is currently only available in danish!MyWay is a danish innovative mobile app, which can be used for creating an interactiv...
+++ NEUES UPDATE VERFÜGBAR +++ +++ Falls Sie Probleme mit dem Update haben, empfehlen wir eine Neuinstallation der App aus dem AppStore +++ MYWAY als ...