This application helps you to turn on/off portable Wi-Fi hostpot with one click.You also can change the network name (SSID) and set password for your ...
An arbitrary timetable can be made. The timetable is made by inputting time or the period. - It is possible to adjust it automatically by checking the...
¿Trabajas sin horario fijo? ¿Eres Freelance? ¿Ó simplemente quieres llevar la cuenta de las horas que dedicas a tu/s trabajo/s? "Horario de trabajo" s...
A quick and easy timetable app that provides a detailed overview for each lessons and each day,including a lesson notes feature to store importantinfo...
Mit diesem Programm hast du einen kompletten Schichtplaner und Schichtwecker in einem. Ideal für Nutzer in Schichtarbeit und wechselnden Arbeitszeiten...