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With approximately 47,000 references and 69,500 translations, Collins Pocket Irish Dictionary provides excellent coverage of today's language and usage.

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The clear, colour layout offers the user maximum accessibility in a compact, handy format. Retaining all the highly-acclaimed attributes of the Collins range - unparalleled accuracy, immediate accessibility and unrivalled user-friendliness - the Collins Pocket Irish Dictionary offers extensive up-to-date coverage of contemporary Irish and English with thousands of current constructions and phrases.

The Foremost Authority on the Language of Today

 • Comprehensive and authoritative, with all the words and phrases you need

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 • Extra help with difficult words

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 • Easy-to-use colour layout helps you find what you are looking for quickly and easily

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featuring search autocomplete to help you find words quickly by displaying predictions similar to the terms you're typing. You also get enhanced search extras including:

 • A quick search of words while you type.

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 • A 'fuzzy filter' for when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word.

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 • A 'keyword' search for finding key words within compound words.

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 • A wild card search function ('*' or '?') which can replace a letter or entire parts of a word.

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 • Download dictionary definitions locally for offline word lookup.


including a number of features that help you further enhance your vocabulary:

 • A 'Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library, including cross-curriculum words.

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 • History list to help you easily review looked-up words.

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 • Discover more using the included special language notes.

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 • See words in context with example sentences.

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 • 'Word-of-the-day' feature with dedicated homescreen widget.

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