Chit Chat|社交線上App不用買


【免費社交App】Chit Chat-APP點子

Small interactive ,Chat application

The previous version will be discarded by next 30 days but here we have more interactive Chat Chit platform where the user can.

1. Group chat among predefined groups.

2. User can have private chat with his friends, where the chat will be saved to central repository and can be discarded.

【免費社交App】Chit Chat-APP點子

3. The Users can create there own Chat Groups.

4. The can find friends and chat and see there uploaded pictures.

【免費社交App】Chit Chat-APP點子

5. The user can upload his profile picture and many more to his photo album.

Coming Soon. The users can rate the pictures of there friends or whom they like. You can tag the pictures. join the groups created by other friends and have friends group chat.( These features will be in very next version)

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Chit Chat APP LOGO

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