Kumpulan Resep Es dan Minuman Lengkap Indonesia. Ini adalah aplikasi yang berisikan kumpulan daftar ratusan resep Es dan minuman dingin indonesia. Con...
The main purpose of designing this app is give reference to accounting and auditing professionals who are looking for the accounting standards mention...
In mathematics, a ratio is a relationship between two numbers of the same kind (e.g., objects, persons, students, spoonfuls, units of whatever identic...
Food, Clothing and Shelter are the three basic necessities of life. This book deals with the aspect of Shelter.The real estate sector assumes huge sig...
Lema je slovník slovenského jazyka, ktorý sa zmestí do mobilu. Okrem spisovných slov pozná aj synonymá a cudzie slovíčka jej tiež nie sú úplne cudzie....