


CelltracGTS™/Free is the official Android phone GPS tracking application for the open-source OpenGTS® project and GTS Enterprise GPS tracking systems.

The CelltracGTS™/Free Android phone tracking application supports the following features:

- Provides selectable GPS update rates.

- Automatic event generation based on current GPS state analysis. Generates a "Start" of motion event when phone moves a selected distance from its original location, followed by periodic "In-Motion" events while moving, or "Heading-Change" events if the direction of travel changes. When the phone has come to rest for a selected period of time a "Stop" event is generated, followed by periodic "Dormant" events when the phone is still at rest.

- Displays an estimated "Odometer" based on accumulated distances between GPS points, which is also sent to the server with each event.

- Includes the battery level and battery temperature in event packet data sent to the server. (Note: may require OpenGTS v2.5.5+ in order to save the battery level and temperature)


- Provides the ability to send "impromptu" events to the server.

- Unsent events are queued until cell coverage is available.

- Supports enabling auto-start at phone reboot.

- No tracking time limits.

- Sends data to your own OpenGTS® or GTS Enterprise installation.


- Available currently in English (other translations available in a future release).

Event data can be received within OpenGTS® using the "gprmc" devices communication server module that comes with the open-source OpenGTS® package (downloadable from http://www.opengts.org).

More information is available at the following link:


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