


Caticus is a unique platformer/side-scroller that randomly generates it's levels.

Caticus is in the style of "dodge the obstacles as long as you can" games. However there is one important distinction with Caticus. Traditionally these games take longer to play the better you get. This is not ideal when you can only give a game a certain amount of time while waiting in line, for example. Caticus addresses this issue.

Caticus is broken down into levels. This means the main goal (unlike the other games in it's genre) is no longer get as far as possible in one game. Instead each level generated is more difficult than the last. The goal of the game becomes collecting as many coins as possible and more difficult levels have more coins. Each level's length is roughly static. As the players speed increases the level's length increases as well. The only exception is the occasional special challenges that keep things interesting.

Beating the special challenges unlocks powerups and once all the power ups are unlocked it unlocks upgrades to the powerups. Currently the final unlock is at level 60.




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Caticus Maximus 1.0