


Cassino, also known as Casino, is an Italian fishing card game for two, three, four players in two partnerships. It is the only one to have penetrated the English-speaking world, via Italian immigrants to America. First recorded just before 1800 (1797), it seems to have been heavily elaborated in 19th century American practice. It is mostly played by two or four in two partnership with a deck of 56 playing cards, being the object of the game to score 120 points by fishing up cards in deck cards displayed on the table.

Game I have created is Lithuanian / Russian variation of the Casino (also called Carousel) game. It has 4 more cards than standard game – Jokers: Sweeper (sweeps up all cards except J, Q, and K), Joker 20 (10 points), Joker 15 (5 points), and Joker 11 (3 points)

Game features:

• Nice graphics


• Intuitive and user friendly interface

• Human level Artificial Intelligence (AI)

• Can be played by 2 – 4 players, with possibility to join in up to 3 AI

• Partnership (Team) mode

• Online game feature with all variations (2 – 4 players + team mode)


• Possibility to include AI into online game

• Trial mode included (2 players can play up to 10 points)


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免費玩Casino App


Casino LOGO-APP點子

Casino APP QRCode

Casino QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)Windows
Windows 市集