Card Football|紙牌線上App不用買


【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

* You can play with friend on one device (hot seat)! *

Known in same circles, this game could gain popularity. There are a lot of children who played in card football because rules can be master in few minutes.

In future updates will be a lot of interesting features: tournaments, more detailed customization, network game and more!


Deck of cards devides for two players. After that, by taking the card from the top of your deck, every player must lay own team – three deffenders and one goalkeeper. Player who moves first, take from top of his deck attacking card (forward) and must beat three deffanders of opponent, and only after that beat card of goalkeeper. It that case counting goal in favor of attacking player. Card is beating in case if rating of attacjing card is higher, or if card of deffender has highest rating and of forward is lowest. All beated card at the end of the move puts at the bottom of attacking player deck. In the case if beating failed, this both cards will be taken by deffending player to the bottom of his deck. Move ended and passes to opponent. In the case if attacking player have empty deck, he must continue attack by using cards of deffence.

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

【免費紙牌App】Card Football-APP點子

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