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Capri Island is the new guide that not only takes you to all the island's sites of unique natural beauty, but also features the history, art, architecture and aspects of local life-style that have made Capri one of the most famous islands in the world. You can access amazing art work, spectacular photos, authoritative texts, and an original selection of architectural gems through an interface whose visual impact reflects the spirit and charm which have attracted and tied people to Capri through the ages: heroes of mythology, emperors, monarchs, pirates, writers, poets, painters...- The CAPRI ISLAND guide has been produced entirely by experts on the places and history of the island - this is no mere compilation of information avaliable elsewhere on the web.There are 12 sections:1. THE SITE2. HISTORY3. ITINERARIES• Arco naturale and Pizzolungo • Certosa di S. Giacomo, Parco Augusto and Via Krupp • Villa Jovis • The Belvedere at Migliera • The Sentiero dei Fortini in Anacapri • Monte Solaro and across the island • Villa S. Michele and Scala Fenicia • Capri historic town centre • Anacapri historic town centre4. BY THE SEA• The Faraglioni and the Monacone • The Marina Piccola • The Marina Grande • The Bagni di Tiberio • The Grotta Azzurra • The Punta Carena Lighthouse • Around the Island5. HOTELS AND SPAS 6. RESTAURANTS AND CAFES7. SHOPS AND NIGHTLIFE8. BEACH CLUBS AND BOAT TRIPS9. ARCHITECTURE AND VILLAS• Archaeology and Historic Buildings (Villa Jovis, Villa di Damecuta, Palazzo a Mare, Towers and Castles, Church of S. Costanzo, Certosa di S. Giacomo, Church of S. Stefano, Church of S. Michele, Church of Santa Sofia, Palazzo Arcucci)• Spontaneous Architecture• Eclectic Architecture (Villa Capricorno, Villa Discopoli, Villa Narcissus, Villa Helios, Villa La Torricella, Villa Fersen or Lysis, Villa Moneta, Villa Pompeiana, Villa Quattrocolonne, Villa Torre Quattroventi, Casa Rossa, Villa San Michele, Chiesa Evangelica Tedesca, Non-Catholic Cemetery)• The 'Stile di Capri' (Villa La Solitaria, Villa Monacone, Il Rosaio)• Modern Architecture (Villa Vismara, Villa Buronzo, Villa Malaparte, Villa Cernia, "Il Rifugio" by Piero Bottoni, Italo Prozzillo)10. PERSONALITIESC.W. Allers, R. Brooks, E. Cerio, C. Coleman, N. Douglas, J. Fersen Adelswärd, G. Fields, C. Malaparte, J. C. Mackowen, A. Munthe, O. Prozzillo, M. Strader, Tiberius, K. & S. Wolcott-Perry, H. Wreford11. ART AND ICONOGRAPHY• Neoclassicism and Romanticism • The Island and Romanticism • The late Nineteenth Century • Diefenbach • Futurist Capri12. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES• History • Guides • Landscape and Architecture • Art and Photography • Novels and Biographies

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