Cambridge Elevate|教育線上App不用買


【免費教育App】Cambridge Elevate-APP點子

Developed for the Cambridge Elevate online subscription service, the Cambridge Elevate App allows you to access your Cambridge Elevate titles with tablet-optimised content wherever you go.

Accessible to both teacher and students, if you already have a log in for the Cambridge Elevate subscription service, you can now view your titles from a tablet and download enhanced online content in an offline reader, including videos, files, interactive activities and image galleries.

Students can view notes, visit web-links and listen to audio recordings they have added to their titles, as well as accessing notes and annotations shared from their teachers. Teachers can now monitor class and student progress on the move, by accessing quiz results via their tablet.

Students can also access features including detailed book information, contents, glossaries and search, activity feeds and messaging.

This app will only work if you have been sent login details from your institution. Contact your institution for access.

【免費教育App】Cambridge Elevate-APP點子

【免費教育App】Cambridge Elevate-APP點子

【免費教育App】Cambridge Elevate-APP點子

【免費教育App】Cambridge Elevate-APP點子

【免費教育App】Cambridge Elevate-APP點子

免費玩Cambridge Elevate APP玩免費

免費玩Cambridge Elevate App

Cambridge Elevate APP LOGO

Cambridge Elevate LOGO-APP點子

Cambridge Elevate APP QRCode

Cambridge Elevate QRCode-APP點子
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