Business Communicator|通訊線上App不用買


【免費通訊App】Business Communicator-APP點子

Important note: The new version 10.0.2 of Business Communicator for UC-One is published as new application on Google Play. It should be listed on the left side of this page under "More from developer". You can also locate it by searching for "UC-One" or using the link below:


【免費通訊App】Business Communicator-APP點子

Note: BroadTouch Business Communicator will only work in conjunction of a service provided by your service provider. Please contact your service provider for details.


BroadTouch Business Communicator is a cross-platform smartphone application currently available for Android devices and iPhone/iPad devices as well as Windows and Mac on the desktop. The BroadTouch Business Communicator client is a solution for IP telephony, video telephony, presence and messaging.

The client follows BroadWorks licensing in that there is no license control feature included in the client, but to use it the server must be provisioned for that user.

By adding BroadTouch Business Communicator to an Android platform the service provider can offer its users the most convenient and intuitive interface for multimedia services. BroadTouch Business Communicator is a SIP UA client for Android, also supporting XMPP, connected to the Internet and BroadCloud IM&P. It also has integration with BroadWorks server platform for various calling features. End-users keep a contact list in the client showing the presence status of their friends, family and colleagues. From this single interface the end-users can easily initiate and receive phone calls, video calls, instant messages. The contact list is perfect for easily starting multimedia communication, encouraging users to smarter and more frequent communication.

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Business Communicator APP LOGO

Business Communicator LOGO-APP點子

Business Communicator APP QRCode

Business Communicator QRCode-APP點子
Google Play