Bood - Your friends, always available|社交線上App不用買


【免費社交App】Bood - Your friends, always available-APP點子

With Bood, your friends are ALWAYS available in your pocket to help you make simple, complex, or wacky decisions. It's easy. "Bood" with your smartphone by taking two photos representing two options. You add a question and immediately send it to your friends. They then have 15 minutes to answer using bood's super simple interface on their phones. It literally takes one second!If you receive a Bood, respond quickly because after 15 minutes, your Bood is blocked. (Picking the right shirt is time sensitive!)Bood spontaneously and bood often. Your friends are your friends because they always help you make good choices...well...most of the time. Bood creatively and Bood crazily. The more original the Bood, the more feedback and laughter you will receive in return..OK, enough studying boodism! Now go Bood!

【免費社交App】Bood - Your friends, always available-APP點子

【免費社交App】Bood - Your friends, always available-APP點子

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免費玩Bood - Your friends, always available App

Bood - Your friends, always available APP LOGO

Bood - Your friends, always available LOGO-APP點子

Bood - Your friends, always available APP QRCode

Bood - Your friends, always available QRCode-APP點子
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