예로부터 한민족에게 전해 내려 온 전통향토음식 약 3,300여 건에 대한 식재료와 조리법, 조리사진을 검색해 볼 수 있는 앱이다.한국의 전통향토음식은 산이나 바다 등의 지형적인 영향을 받아 지역별로 식재료와 조리법이 다양하여 각 지역마다 서로 다른 맛과 영양을 지닌다....
AlphaTrainer enables neurofeedback training by providing a real time feedback on its users alpha brain wave activity (~ 8-12 Hz). Alpha brain waves ar...
Brain wave activity is representative of your mental state, and it is possible to stimulate the activity of brain waves by utilizing rhythmic pulses o...
Dear user,We encourage you to consult with your personal trainer or professional advice on certain workouts that may not be suitable for you. There ar...
Brain wave activity is representative of your mental state, and it is possible to stimulate the activity of brain waves by utilizing rhythmic pulses o...