BigBot Audio Drop|解謎線上App不用買


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BigBot Audio Drop combines awesome puzzle game play with fantastic beat based mechanics. Each level features a unique song, masterfully crafted by artist SGX, and a painterly animated background. Try to keep dropping and jamming for as long as you can, before space runs out in the grid for more boxes. Be warned that the game is highly entertaining and has been known to bend the time and space itself!


- 6 songs by SGX.

- Two game modes: Audio Drop Mode provides access to special abilities to alter the games rules. Pure Mode is a more challenging mode contains no special abilities and you must rely solely on your block placement skills to survive.

【免費解謎App】BigBot Audio Drop-APP點子

- Global and Local Score Boards.

- Continuous game play. No level loading!

- 4 game altering abilities: Slow, Switch, Bomb, and Multi.

- Gamepad style, touch movement or keyboard controls.

- Game state saving. Recover where you left off when real life knocks on your door.

【免費解謎App】BigBot Audio Drop-APP點子

- Gyroscope based screen orientation.

- Separate in game music and sound effect volume settings.

Update Log:

2.5-2.6: *Control Update*

【免費解謎App】BigBot Audio Drop-APP點子

- Improved the control graphics.

- Updated the tutorial slides.

- Fixed several issues across the game.

2.1-2.4: *Performance and Stability Fixes*

- Improved the file and texture loading code.

【免費解謎App】BigBot Audio Drop-APP點子

- Fixed several crashes.

- General bug fixes across the game.

- Reduced the game's download size.

- General bug fixes and fixed an issue with global scores and pure mode.

- Fixed a number of issues related to the game's score board.

【免費解謎App】BigBot Audio Drop-APP點子

2.0: *The Big Update*

- Added the new Pure Mode for those that purchase the game.

- Added new touch movement controls.

- Redid the game's How to play section.

- Updated the graphics in the game menus.

【免費解謎App】BigBot Audio Drop-APP點子

- Reduced ram usage.

- Fixed a number of in game exceptions.

- Fixed a number of graphic errors.

- Fixed a number of issues in the game's menus.

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